Shiras Moose

The Shiras Moose, a sought after and majestic

animal adds an exciting dimension to Alberta's

diverse hunting community. These magnificent

creatures are not only renowned for their unique

characteristics but are also an integral part of the

coveted "Moose Slam," an accomplishment

sought after by passionate hunters. 

Shiras Moose, with their distinctive palmated antlers and grand stature, are an appealing species to hunt and prized trophy for those who appreciate the thrill of big-game hunting. 

Hunting Shiras Moose in Alberta is a great experience, with the vast public lands providing a picturesque backdrop for this moose species. The opportunity to explore diverse terrains, from dense forests to open meadows, ensures that each hunt is a unique and challenging adventure. Alberta has excellent trophy quality of Shiras Moose, and is one of the best regions in the World to pursue these magnificent creatures. The Shiras Moose in Alberta, with their majestic presence and outstanding trophy quality, contribute to the province's reputation as a premier destination for Alberta Minister’s Moose tag and big-game enthusiasts seeking a truly exceptional moose hunting experience.

Livingstone Lodge Ltd. with their wealth of experience in moose hunting and commitment to species conservation, provides hunters seeking the Shiras moose a memorable and rewarding moose hunting experience in late September through to November. 

Livingstone Lodge, Jessie Young, and the Young family’s northern Yukon hunting concession Midnight Sun Outfitting (#4), proudly offers enthusiasts the opportunity not only to pursue the impressive Shiras Moose in Alberta but also to check off the Alaska Yukon moose from their list. Jessie Young understands the appeal of completing the Moose Slam, and her expertise and availability to the two outfits (Alberta and Yukon), is a great extension to helping hunters secure this dream and enhancing the full Canadian hunting experience!