Mule Deer
Alberta is a premier destination for trophy mule deer
hunts. Mule deer are one of the most economically and
socially important animals in western North America,
enjoyed by millions of hunters and wildlife viewers
annually. Their impressive, varied and unique horn
configuration makes them one of the favorite trophies to
hunt in Southern Alberta. Our area provides them with
ideal habitat from the high mountain terrain that they
live in during the earlier months and the lower foothills with rolling hills, which is ideally timbered, for later fall hunting. This area provides excellent habitat and therefore gives hunters excellent opportunities to pursue some of the best trophies in North America.
Our mule deer hunts take place from September to the end of November. We hunt them a varied amount of ways but usually one or a combination of backpack, horseback or ORV/side-by-side.
The hunt for mule deer in Alberta is an unforgettable experience, combining the thrill of the chase with the appreciation of the species' beauty and the satisfaction of a successful trophy.